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英语毕竟是世界通用语言,笔者查阅了几个重要的中外英语媒体,看看英语是怎么称呼这种水的。在提到核污染水的时候,CNN(美国有线电视新闻网,Cable News Network)2023年8月24日的说法是treated radioactive wastewater,即处理过的放射性废水,虽然有放射性,虽然是废水,但是处理过的。此文题为:China bans seafood from Japan after Tokyo begins releasing treated radioactive water(东京开始释放经处理的放射性水后,中国禁止从日本进口海鲜)。

原文:China announced Thursday it was banning all seafood from Japan in response to Tokyo’s decision to begin releasing treated radioactive wastewater from the Fukushima nuclear plant, dramatically escalating an already tense feud between the two neighbors.(中国周四宣布禁止从日本进口所有海产品,以回应东京决定开始释放福岛核电站处理后的放射性废水,这大大加剧了这两个邻国之间本已紧张的不和。)

作者甚至两次将treated radioactive water 简略成treated wastewater,不见radioactive(放射性的)一词。

原文:The company said it expects to discharge only around 200 or 210 cubic meters of treated wastewater. From Friday, it plans to then continuously release 456 cubic meters of treated wastewater over a 24 hour period and a total of 7,800 cubic meters over a 17-day period.(该公司表示,预计将只排放约200至210立方米的处理过的废水。从周五开始,它计划在24小时内连续释放456立方米处理后的废水,在17天内总共释放7800立方米。)

The New York Times(纽约时报)2023年8月24日载文,题为:Japan to Release Treated Water From Ruined Nuclear Plant Despite Concerns(日本不顾外界的担忧,释放废弃核电站处理过的水)

原文:Japan will begin releasing treated radioactive wastewater from the ruined Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant into the ocean this week, and its government said on Tuesday, setting aside regional and domestic objections as it moves to eventually discharge over a million tons of the water into the sea. (日本本周将开始向海洋排放福岛第一核电站的处理过的放射性废水,日本政府周二说不考虑地区和国内的反对,最终将向海洋排放100多万吨废水。)

此文后面的叙述与CNN一样操作,甚至简略为treated water。

原文:The International Atomic Energy Agency said in July that the government’s plan met the agency’s safety standards, and it has said that releasing the treated water is not likely to pose a serious health threat to humans. (国际原子能机构今年7月表示,日本政府的计划符合该机构的安全标准,该机构还表示,排放处理过的水不太可能对人类的健康构成严重威胁。)

ABC NEWS(American Broadcasting Corporation News美国广播公司新闻) 2023年8月23日发文,题为:Fukushima's radioactive wastewater is being released in the Pacific(福岛的放射性废水正被排放到太平洋)

原文:Treated and diluted but still slightly radioactive wastewater from the wrecked Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant is being discharged into the Pacific Ocean. (福岛第一核电站的污水经过处理和稀释,但仍有轻微的放射性,正被排放到太平洋。)


BBC NEWS(British Broadcasting Corporation-News,英国广播公司新闻)2023年8月24日推文,题为:Fukushima: China retaliates as Japan releases treated nuclear water(福岛:日本释放处理过的核废水,中国予以报复)。此文换了一个词,即nuclear(核)。

AP(Associated Press美国联合通讯社)2023年8月24日、NPR(National Public Radio,美国全国公共广播电台) 2023年8月24日、CNBC(Consumer News and Business Channel,美国全国广播公司财经频道)2023年8月22日、The Guardian (英国卫报)2023年8月19日等的推文均出现相同的字样。


中方用的说法是nuclear-contaminated water,即核污染水。contaminated义为“被污染过的”,表示having been made impure by exposure to or addition of a poisonous or polluting substance,即由于接触或加入有毒或污染物质而变得不纯净的,意思很直接,很明确。也可以用nuclear polluted radioactive water(核污染的放射性水)的说法,意思是一样的。

中国日报双语(China Daily)2023年8月24日推文中用了以上说法。

原文:Japan started releasing nuclear-contaminated wastewater from the crippled Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant into the Pacific Ocean on Thursday. (周四,日本开始向太平洋排放受损的福岛第一核电站的核污染废水。)

Both the Japanese government and Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) in their official documents insist calling it “treated nuclear waste water”;yet China, along with most other countries and international organizations prefer “nuclear contaminated wastewater”. (日本政府和东京电力公司在官方文件中坚持称其为“处理过的核废水”;然而,中国与大多数其他国家和国际组织一样,更喜欢“核污染废水”。)

However, the two are fundamentally different. Nuclear wastewater refers to the wastewater produced in the normal daily activities of nuclear power plants, such as the large quantities of water used to cool down the key parts of nuclear power plants. Because the water doesn't touch the radioactive substances in the nuclear reactor, it can be flushed out after strict processing. (然而,二者有本质的不同。核废水是指核电站在正常日常活动中产生的废水,如用于冷却核电站关键部分的水。这些水不会接触到核反应堆中的放射性物质,经过严格处理后,可以通过管道排出。)

While nuclear contaminated water means the water that directly touches the radioactive substances in the reactors in accidents, which has itself become highly radioactive. That water must also be strictly processed and evaluated by experts from all parties concerned before being expelled into the ocean. If not, ecological risk may irreversibly turn into ecological damage. (核污染水指在事故中直接接触反应堆中放射性物质的水,由于受到沾染而具有高度放射性。这种水要严格存放,经过多道工序处理、相关各方专家评估效果后才能允许被排放到海洋里,否则其带来的生态风险将不可估量。)


In 1972, the year when the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea came into force, several countries agreed in London to adopt the Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter, referred to as the London Dumping Convention, which sets strict rules on dumping waste into the ocean. (1972年,也就是《联合国海洋法公约》生效那年,多个国家在英国伦敦议定通过《防止倾倒废物及其他物质污染海洋的公约》,简称《伦敦倾废公约》,该公约对向海洋倾倒废物制定了严格的规定。)

The regulation is aimed at preventing some countries or regions from taking advantage of the loopholes. As a result, Japan has played fast and loose with the rules. (该规定旨在防止一些国家或地区钻法律漏洞。结果,日本在规则上忽快忽慢。)

At a meeting of the Protocol of the Convention in October 2022, the South Korean delegate noted that Japan had violated the convention, but the Japanese delegate cited the pipeline as an example, claiming that they were not “dumping” the nuclear contaminated wastewater and argued that the issue “should not be discussed”at such meetings.(在2022年10月的《伦敦倾废公约》公约议定书大会上,韩国代表指出日本违反公约。日本代表却以这条管道为例,宣称他们不是“倾倒”核污水,认为不应当在公约议定书会议上讨论。)








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