新华社(the Xinhua News Agency)同步推送的英语译文为:
If the United States does not hit the brakes but continue to speed down the wrong path,no amount of guardrails can prevent derailing. And there will surely be conflict and confrontation. Who will bear the catastrophic consequences? Such competition is a reckless gamble with the stakes being the fundamental interests of the two peoples and even the future of humanity. Naturally,China is firmly opposed to all this.
To the Internationale's stirring strains,
A wild whirlwind swoops from the sky.
“狂飙”译成a wild whirlwind,义为“一场狂暴的旋风”,措辞劲爆而有力。
电视剧《狂飙》创作团队转译设定的官方英语片名有两个——“The Knockout”和“Punch out”,它们直观且巧妙地体现了导演的用意。
knockout是个拳击术语,《剑桥词典》释义“in boxing,the act of hitting the other fighter so that they fall to the ground and are unable to get up again within ten seconds”,意为“制胜一击”。我们在拳击运动中常见的“倒地10秒不起”的“K.O.”便是由此缩写而来。
punch out与knockout含义相近。punch是重拳击打的意思,punch out就是一拳把人打蒙(knock someone unconscious by punching)。
由上可知,不管是The Knockout还是Punch Out,都是在强调“博弈中的制胜一击”,突出了在这场扫黑除恶的斗争中,正义和法律铁拳的绝对威力。中文剧名《狂飙》与英文译名巧妙组合,勾勒出该剧的核心思想。
“狂飙”还可表示“疯狂飙车”,仅仅以speed down the wrong path描述“在错误的道路上狂飙”,显然还不够形象生动,speed是个中性词,与“狂飙”相差甚远。
一般来说,在英语中“飙车”常用 drag racing (driving at a very fast speed)。例如:
Drink driving and drag racing have been written into the draft amendment as crimes,as part of the country's efforts to make its road safer.(作为国家努力提高道路安全的一部分,酒后驾驶和飙车已被写入修正案草案,定为犯罪。)
Drag racing is illegal and dangerous.(飙车是非法和危险的。)
美国有线电视新闻网(Cable News Network,CNN)3月7日的报道基本借用了新华社的英语译文。然而,英国金融时报(Financial Times)在处理“狂飙”一词时,不同凡响,该报在3月7日的报道中是这么说的:
If the US doesn’t hit the brakes and continues to barrel down the wrong track,no amount of guardrails can prevent the carriage from derailing and crashing,and there will surely be conflict and confrontation.